Traditional Chinese Me... Samanta Ra Traditional Chinese Me... Samanta Ra

Perimenopause: The Power of Rest

As we navigate the transformative journey of perimenopause prioritizing sleep and implementing holistic practices, can alleviate the challenges of perimenopause and restore balance within ourselves.

Women’s bodies undergo a series of significant changes throughout our lives, and one of the most healing and transformative stages in our journey is perimenopause. This transition precedes menopause. You can begin to see signs as early as your late 30s and into your 40s. During perimenopause, our hormones fluctuate, leading to a range of physical and emotional symptoms. However, this transformative journey can bring a restorative healing magic – particularly when we prioritize sleep and get to know our circadian rhythm. On this blog post we’ll explore the profound impact of rest on perimenopause and discuss ways to manage this essential moment of our bodies’ health, drawing from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective and a holistic approach.

Understanding Perimenopause: A Time of Change

Before we dive into the importance of sleep and the circadian rhythm during perimenopause, let's take a moment to understand this crucial phase. Perimenopause marks the gradual decline of estrogen and progesterone levels, leading to irregular menstrual cycles and various physical and emotional symptoms. We may experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, among others. This transitional period can be both empowering and challenging as we navigate the changes within our bodies.

The Healing Power of Sleep: How It Impacts Perimenopause Symptoms

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of overall health and well-being. During perimenopause, prioritizing quality sleep becomes even more critical due to its profound effects on the common symptoms during this phase. Disrupted sleep can exacerbate irritability, fatigue, and cognitive issues, impacting our ability to cope with other perimenopause-related feelings and yet, the fluctuations in hormones can make sleep incredibly difficult. Especially staying asleep.

Managing Sleep during Perimenopause

  1. Establish a Regular Bedtime Routine: Creating a consistent bedtime routine signals your body that it's time to wind down. Set aside time each evening for relaxation and self-care before going to bed.

  2. Try Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a guided meditation practice that induces deep relaxation. Practicing Yoga Nidra before bed can help ease the mind and promote restful sleep. I love Yoga with Adrienne’s Yoga Nidra on Youtube.

  3. Use Essential Oils: Lavender and chamomile essential oils are renowned for their calming properties. Diffusing these oils in your bedroom or applying them to your pulse points before sleep can promote relaxation.

  4. Magnesium Before Bed: Magnesium is a mineral that plays a vital role in promoting relaxation and restful sleep. Consider taking a magnesium supplement or using magnesium oil topically before bedtime. I suggest Magnesium Citrate (Calm Magnesium) if you find you tend toward constipation. If that is not an issue for you, I recommend Magnesium Glycinate.

  5. Hot Epsom Salt Baths as a Self-care Ritual: A warm bath with Epsom salts can soothe tired muscles and prepare your body for sleep. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to enhance the calming effect. Be mindful about being there and take it as a moment to process what you’re experiencing.

  6. Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment: Lower the lights in the evening to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Keep your bedroom cool and invest in cooling sheets during the summer months for added comfort.

  7. Take advantage of the Morning Sunlight: Exposure to natural sunlight in the morning helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Start your day with a short walk outside to soak up the healing benefits of vitamin D.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), balance is a fundamental concept for overall health and well-being. Sleep is considered one of the pillars of balance, and disruptions in sleep patterns can indicate imbalances within the body. During perimenopause, TCM practitioners focus on supporting the body's yin and yang energies to harmonize the transition.

Yin energy represents cooling, nourishing, and restorative aspects, while yang energy is associated with activity and warmth. A balanced yin and yang during perimenopause can help ease symptoms improving sleep quality.

TCM offers a holistic approach to managing perimenopause symptoms through herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle adjustments. Herbal formulas tailored to an individual's specific imbalances can be prescribed to support hormonal harmony and improve sleep quality. Schedule your appointment at Free Flow Health here to explore more into these options.

The Magic of Rest

As we navigate the transformative journey of perimenopause, prioritizing sleep and implementing holistic practices can alleviate the challenges of perimenopause and restore balance within ourselves. Remember, this is a beautiful, natural and empowering phase of life, as we enter our wisdom years. A time for self-care, self-discovery, and embracing change. Let's celebrate the magic of perimenopause and nurture ourselves with the gift of restful sleep.

We’re opening up a Peri-menopause Support Group starting in September. This monthly gathering will provide a safe space for open discussions about symptoms, worries, and fears surrounding the peri-menopausal transition. We will explore ways to make this journey smoother, starting with Qi Gong and ending with a soothing meditation session. Space is limited, so reserve your spot early by signing up here.

*There is a $20 fee to participate, and meetings will take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting on Tuesday September 12th at 7:00 pm.

[Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. If you have specific health concerns or questions about your personal perimenopause journey, please come to a private consultation at our clinic.]

-Written by Sam | Free Flow Health Team

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Traditional Chinese Me... Samanta Ra Traditional Chinese Me... Samanta Ra

Embracing the Rising of Yang: A Gentle Transition into Summer

With the passing of Spring, nature awakens with a new strength, signaling the arrival of Summer. Seasons hold profound wisdom, teaching us to align with the ever-changing energy that surrounds us. In traditional Chinese philosophy, this shift is marked by the rising yang, a dynamic force that brings warmth, vitality, and expansion. Join us on a gentle journey as we explore the essence of the rising yang and discover how we can gently embrace and transition into the vibrant energy of this season.

With the passing of Spring, nature awakens with a new strength, signaling the arrival of Summer. Seasons hold profound wisdom, teaching us to align with the ever-changing energy that surrounds us. In traditional Chinese philosophy, this shift is marked by the rising yang, a dynamic force that brings warmth, vitality, and expansion. Join us on a gentle journey as we explore the essence of the rising yang and discover how we can gently embrace and transition into the vibrant energy of this season.

Understanding the Rising Yang 

The concept of yin and yang represents the polar nature of the universe. Yin embodies qualities such as darkness, stillness, and inward energy, while yang represents light, movement, and outward expression. As we transition into Summer, the rising yang gradually takes the forefront, bringing forth the energy of expansion, growth, and outward manifestation. It is a time when nature blooms and we have the opportunity to bloom with it too.

Aligning with Nature's Rhythm

Nature serves as our greatest teacher, inviting us to attune ourselves to its rhythms. Embracing the rising yang means aligning our inner energy with the external world. Just as the sun rises higher in the sky, we too can embrace a sense of lightness, enthusiasm, and vitality. This is a time to honor our own growth, nurture our passions, and bring our creative dreams to fruition.

Nourishing Fire Within

In traditional Chinese medicine, summer is associated with the element of fire. It symbolizes passion, joy, and the spark of life that resides within each of us. To harness the energy of the rising yang, we can focus on nurturing fire within. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, connecting with loved ones, and embracing laughter and play can fuel our inner flame and enhance our overall well-being.

Cultivating the Balance of Yang

As the temperature rises, it is essential to maintain balance within our bodies. Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches us the importance of balancing the body's energies, particularly during the summer season. Incorporating cooling foods, hydrating practices, and mindful movement can help us stay grounded during the intensity of the rising yang. It is crucial to prioritize self-care and create space for rest and restoration. Remembering to pause, breathe, and listen to our needs can help prevent burnout.

Taking moments of stillness allows us to recharge our energy and maintain a sense of balance. Whether it's taking some time to have a quiet afternoon of reading, immersing ourselves in nature, or practicing mindfulness, self-care will nourish our souls and replenish our energy. By honoring our need for rest we can fully embrace the rising yang while cultivating a sustainable relationship with ourselves. You can schedule an appointment at our clinic for a restoring session and work with the energy of yang together. Book your appointment here. 

Embracing the Beauty of Summer

Summer is a time of abundance, vibrancy, and connection. It invites us to explore the beauty of nature, bathe in the warmth of the sun, and immerse ourselves in the joys of life. Whether it's savoring the sweetness of ripe fruits, taking slow walks in nature, or engaging in outdoor activities, embracing the spirit of Summer allows us to fully experience the gifts this season has to offer.

As we start the Summer season, let's embrace the rising yang with open hearts and open minds. The transition into this vibrant time gives us an opportunity for growth, expansion, and self-discovery. By aligning ourselves with the cyclical nature around us and within us, we nurture our inner fire and cultivate balance amidst the heat, to gracefully navigate the energetic waves of Summer. Let's immerse ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us, finding gratitude for the abundance that this season brings. May the rising yang fill us with a new sense of inspiration, vitality, and a deep connection to nature. 

-Written by Sam | Free Flow Health Team

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Iodine and Breast Health

Iodine is a nutrient that is often overlooked for its role in women’s health. It is significant for estrogen metabolism, breast tissue development, ovulation, fetal development and more. We often think of the thyroid when we think of iodine, however, iodine is also heavily concentrated in the breasts, ovaries and cervix which goes to show just how vital this nutrient is for women’s health.

 There is some interesting research on iodine and the role it plays in breast health, in particular, the beneficial effects it has demonstrated with regards to breast cancer risk, fibrocystic breast disease, premenstrual breast tenderness and mammary dysplasia. In the breasts, iodine has been shown to have antioxidant properties, meaning it helps protect from cellular damage, which might in part explain why diets containing sufficient iodine are associated with reduced risk of breast cancer. Iodine is also known to promote the development of normal breast tissue and to protect against the formation of abnormal cells.

Iodine deficiency is also connected to an increased risk of fibrocystic breast disease where there is lumpiness in one or both breasts and increased breast tenderness pre-menstrually. Fibrocystic breast disease affects up to 50% of women of reproductive age, fortunately, iodine supplementation has been shown to be beneficial in treating this condition.

Iodine is an important nutrient for women’s reproductive health. It is required for ovulation, progesterone production and estrogen metabolism. It appears to affect the genes involved in estrogen metabolism, up-regulating genes required for estrogen clearance, while at the same time down-regulating estrogen-responsive genes. This may be another way in which iodine intake affects breast cancer risk although the research is still in its infancy. Iodine is particularly helpful for some women who experience unpleasant symptoms in the second half of their menstrual cycle, such as pre-menstrual breast tenderness, low progesterone and PMS.

 70-80% of the body’s iodine stores are in the thyroid. In fact, more than half of our daily recommended intake of iodine is used solely for the production of thyroid hormone. Without sufficient iodine, the thyroid can swell in an effort to trap more iodine from the blood, potentially causing discomfort, hoarseness or difficulty swallowing. When inadequate iodine intake persists, eventually the production of thyroid hormone will start to decline.  This can lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism such as fatigue, weight gain, constipation, menstrual irregularities and hair loss.

 Ways to determine an iodine deficiency are through a urine test, which is quick but less accurate or a blood test, which is more accurate.  The iodine patch test is another way to test for deficiency. Your practitioner will paint a patch of iodine on your skin and check how it looks 24 hours later. For those who are not iodine deficient, the patch fades no sooner than 24 hours. But a deficiency will likely cause the iodine to be absorbed into the skin more quickly. This test is not the most accurate, but it’s inexpensive and relatively quick.

 Correcting an iodine deficiency can be tricky because the thyroid is like a big sponge absorbing iodine from the blood to make thyroid hormone. Too much iodine can be just as much of a problem as not enough, so it is essential to supplement with the right type of iodine, at the correct dose and pace for your personal situation. There are many forms of iodine on the market. For example, molecular iodine, potassium iodide and seaweed-based forms. Not every form is created equal, especially when it comes to the research examining their use for breast health. I always like to use food as medicine and even supplements that are food based are preferable such as a Kelp supplement. Some of the best food sources of iodine are animal protein sources and my favorite, sea vegetables such as seaweed. Iodine supplements containing potassium are the most readily available form of iodine. Never take supplements containing more than 150 MCGs. Individuals with thyroid disease need to be particularly careful when it comes to iodine, as both too much or too little can exacerbate the situation, so any form of iodine supplementation in such instances must be closely monitored.

 Here is a recipe to help you find ways to get a great iodine food source in as well as benefit your liver’s ability to process estrogen by eating bok choy. I talk about that in a previous blog on DIM and why eating cruciferous vegetables can benefit your hormone health. Check it out here!

 Bok Choy Sea Weed Scramble


1 – 2 eggs scrambled

2 to 3 heads of Bok Choy chopped

Chopped Shitake Mushrooms

Lime juice

1-2 Garlic Cloves Slivered

Sesame Oil


Sea Salt, Onion Salt

Huy Fong Garlic Chili Sauce (Asian Aisle of Grocery Store)

Fukake Japanese All Purpuse Seasoning (Trader Joes)



Sautee garlic in sesame oil then add bok choy, mushrooms, seasonings (hold the fukake for now), tamari and lime juice.

In separate pan, scramble eggs.

Add bok choy mix to a bowl, top with eggs and fukake!



If you are experiencing not feeling your best self, Acupuncture and Herbs could be bring you back to a better quality of life!

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Traditional Chinese Me..., acupuncture Dr. Chantal Davis Traditional Chinese Me..., acupuncture Dr. Chantal Davis

Are You Following The Process of Acupuncture?

Are You Following The Process of Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is not magic but if you follow the proper process, it can be. So often I have heard “I tried acupuncture but it never really helped.” Just recently I was speaking to a friend who said this to me. I happen to know first hand that he has not approached the process of acupuncture in the proper way. This is not his fault but the fault of the acupuncturist. It is our job to educate our patients about how the process works. There are levels and steps to addressing an issue.

Relief or symptomatic care is when you are seeking out acupuncture to help rid yourself of a particular issue. You begin seeing an acupuncturist for balancing hormones, relieving stress or pain management. Whatever the issue may be, at this point it is not under control and is affecting your life in some way. Acupuncture has a cumulative affect. I like to say you need to build a relationship with the needles over several sessions. It is as if we are trying to rewire a pattern in your body. Often times, this is a pattern that has been in place for a very long time. In this case, rewiring is going to take some time. We want to continue to send the message over and over and therefore your treatments need to be close together. In China, patients are generally treated daily in the initial phase. Here in the U.S., 2 times a week to start is ideal. Once a week for several weeks is essential to make any progress. Once you are 60-100% better, we begin to space the treatments out and move into corrective care. We have relieved symptoms and now we need to get to the root of what caused the symptoms in the first place. Generally you would see your acupuncturist once a week or 2 times a month.

Then we get to maintenance. Unfortunately, this is often where people start. They see an acupuncturist every now and then when the pain or issue is heightened but do not move through the process of relieving the issue for a substantial amount of time followed by corrective care. These first 2 steps cannot be skipped if you truly want to obtain the benefits of acupuncture. Maintenance is when we have had relief and the issue is no longer present. In order to prevent falling back into old patterns, we require regular maintenance about once a month or at least every other month at minimum. We give our cars better care than our bodies often. Maintenance is an absolute crucial part of the process for our bodies as well.

During all phases of treatment, it is important to make changes outside of the acupuncture treatment. These suggestions are often given to you by your acupuncturist and commonly are focused on nutrition, herbal medicine, supplements. You will be asked to take inventory of what in your life is causing the issue and to make adjustments where possible. Stress reduction practices like adding in yoga, running or some other type of fitness is also recommended. When we seek help to resolve an issue but continue to do the same things that cause the issue, true healing cannot take place.

Following the process is what brings you results!

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Traditional Chinese Me... Dr. Chantal Davis Traditional Chinese Me... Dr. Chantal Davis

Preventive Medicine: How We Are Misusing Traditional Chinese Medicine

"The sages of antiquity did not treat those who were already sick, but those who were not sick... When a disease has already broken out and is only then treated, would that not be just as late as to wait for thirst before digging a well, or to wait to go into battle before casting weapons?" (Nei Jing) These words were written over 4600 years ago and are the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We have since brought Chinese Medicine into our Western society and in many ways our model of reactive medicine. I find it a struggle to convince patients to change their way of thinking about the way they aproach their health. We are trained to believe that we should only seek healthcare when there is something wrong and unfortunately that is the way many people use Chincse Medicine. In doing so, they are completely missing the power of this medicine and its ability to help prevent the future need for pharmaceuticals. high cost surgeries, rehabilitation and office visits.

In my 7 years of practice, I may have had a total of 5 people who initially sought Chinese Medicine out when they were feeling great. Most people who come into my office due so to address major imbalances that have built up over their life time. I can generally educate my patients on the need to come in initially to help the issue at hand but when it comes to regular maintenance, many people cannot seem to grasp the idea. It just isn’t something we are used to in our society. The idea of providing regular maintenance on your car makes total sense but when it comes to our own bodies, its incomprehensible.

After a course of treatments, it is essential to continue with maintenance care. All of the outside issues that brought you to imbalance in the first place very likely still exist. The daily stresses of life, environmental toxins, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, lack of mental-emotional self care and repetitve movements can all lead you right back on the path to imbalance.

By truly utilizing the gift of this amazing medicine, we can help maintain immune health, reduce anxiety, stress and depression which lead to a whole range of health conditions and imbalances. It can help maintain hormonal balance and prevent pain from arising in areas where they are generally prone to occur. We owe it to ourselves, our families and society to take care of ourselves in order to create the best quality of life possible. As the saying goes, “Health is greater than wealth”. Without our health, none of the other stuff matters.

I highly recommend working with your Chinese Medicne Practitioner to achieve balance and get to the root of whatever issues you have and then stick with a plan to continue to recieve regular treatments. Once a state of balance is acheived, one treatment a month can be an amazing maintenance plan to prevent any major issues from coming up. This along with following a lifestyle of proper nutrition, mindfulness along with exercise that suits you, can keep you on a path of good health.

Schedule here to get on your path to a better quality of life. You deserve it!

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